Higher Job Satisfaction
90% of tradespeople list their job satisfaction as either very satisfied or somewhat satisfied — pretty good, considering just 34% of average US workers say the same.
50% of tradespeople are their own bosses, which makes flexibility and autonomy more than just buzzwords.
Higher Earning Potential
Tradespeople who opt out of traditional four-year college enter the job market with over $26,000 less debt on average.
Plumbers, electricians, and general contractors earn an average of 22%, 29%, and 53% more than the general population.
Higher Job Security
650,000 new skilled tradespeople will be needed to meet demand in 2023 alone — so now’s the time to get skilled.
While new AI tech may impact traditional professional careers, AI won’t be repairing a roof or remodeling a home any time soon.
Students can submit their creative solutions to today’s skilled labor crisis for a chance to win one of four $2,500 scholarships.
Apply NowWhat’s really happening with the labor shortage? How is tech changing the trades? What can today’s pro do to stand out? Check out a new episode of Trade Up with Angi each week to learn more.
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